I can guarantee. Even if you are happy with the results you see right now, if you are not applying this, then you need to because everything’s gonna skyrocket. So do this for all of your workouts from here on out, every single set, every single rep, everything that you eat but at least your workouts. Nutrition will be a bonus. But if you do it with nutrition, everything you eat and drink.
If you just track this every single day and then compare last week to this week. Yesterday to today. And make it your goal to do just a little bit better. If you do that every single day, you will simply be undeniable. And if you cannot see the progress for that. Then, you’re just being a hater, a hater on yourself.
If you can’t take the time to do that then you got two options: One, stop caring so much about the thing that you are talking about. Like if you’re gonna put yourself down for not getting results, then you should be able to say, “Well, at least I’m doing everything I can,” And two, maybe it’s just you have too much on your plate.
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