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Red Light Therapy

No Pain. Non-invasive – No Surgery. No Downtime.

Results From Day 1

Red Light Therapy is an FDA-approved treatment with over 50,000+ scientific and clinical studies, proven to help with:

  • Circumferential reduction/inch loss
  • Temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain
  • Arthritis
  • Muscle spasms
  • Relieving stiffness
  • Promoting the relaxation of muscle tissue
  • Temporary increase in local blood circulation

Why D-Fine’s Red Light Laser Therapy?

When it comes to losing weight or shedding body fat, the hardest part is the start. We make it easy for you to build momentum by helping you realize results right away.

A Proven & Reliable Shortcut

There is no magic pill you can take to eat what you want all the time and never exercise yet stay lean so be wary if anyone ever promises you such an outrageous claim. At D-Fine, we provide you with a proven and reliable shortcut to get you to your goals faster without as much fitness or nutrition as it might have required otherwise. From there, we provide programs that match your commitment level, goals, and lifestyle so that you can keep the results and never look back.

What You Can Look Forward To

  • Reshape your body
  • Slim down targeted areas
  • Tighten and tone loose skin
  • Reduce stubborn fat from arms hips, thighs, tummy, love handles, bra lines, knees, and ankles
  • Reduce the appearance of cellulite
  • Decrease stress and anxiety
  • Reduce pain and inflammation
  • Skin rejuvenation

How Does Red Light Therapy Cause Inch Loss?

After exposure to the light, the fat is released from the cell into the interstitial space (just below the deepest layers of your skin) and is evacuated from this area by the lymphatic system. By eating right, getting some exercise, and drinking plenty of water, the lymphatic system will remove this fat much more efficiently.

At D-Fine, we’re able to help you get the most out of your treatments by programming the minimal dosage of exercise and nutrition planning specific to your goals so that we can maximize your results.

The liver and kidneys play an important role in eliminating the waste from your body, so living healthily is vital for enhanced results and overall well-being,

What Does RLT Feel Like?

Actual Photos of Fat Melting Away
After Just One Treatment

Clinical studies show that when a fat cell is exposed to mid-600nm red light, the cell will release 99% of its contents, leaving the cell deflated much like when a balloon releases its air. The light stimulates the mitochondria of the fat cell in a process called photobiostimulation, causing the cell wall to open and allowing the cell contents to escape.

Additional clinical studies show that patients experienced significant inch loss caused by exposure to this light alone (study). However, combining the light with a weight loss program amplifies the results, and makes the released fat more readily accessible for energy.


The D-Fine Difference
What Makes Our Red Light Therapy
So Much More Effective

We Specialize in Weight Loss & Fat Loss

  • Many med spas and chiropractic offices offer laser treatment as one of many services they offer. Their service means that you come in, receive treatment, and are left on your own.
  • In contrast, we focus specifically on Red Light Therapy and help you get the most transformative experience out of your treatments.
  • With over 17+ years of weight loss and fat loss coaching experience, helping thousands of people of all body types lose tens of thousands of lbs, we know that for you to get the best — most long-lasting results, you need the right amount of recovery, workouts, nutrition, and cardio.
  • We provide proven programs with predictable results so that you don’t waste your time or money.

Backed in Clinical Science

  • Contour research conducted a clinical study that resulted in 118 patients experiencing an average loss of 2.49’ per single session. The protocol for this study was approved by an IRB and the results are posted on, NCT04451824.

Maximum Coverage – Maximum Results

  • Unlike some other body contouring technologies, Contour Light utilizes 7 large LED applicators, allowing guests the ability to target multiple treatment areas per session.
  • Most guests choose their arms, thighs, back, buttocks, and stomach. Contour Light also includes a Red Light Facial applicator that can increase collagen production, decrease fine lines and wrinkles, and enhance melanin production.
  • After each treatment, we utilize full body vibration therapy to increase the benefits of your detoxifying weight loss/fat loss.

No Pain!

  • Unlike ultrasound, radiofrequency, laser light, and freezing, LED-based therapies do not cause cellular damage. In fact, LED light has been shown to promote a natural response within cells based on the wavelength of the light energy used and the type of cell it reaches.

Greater Effectiveness

  • Unlike similar red light therapy treatment pads or beds (standing or lying), our pad technology has a proprietary reflective coating that contains a higher concentration of the light, unlike other devices where light bounces off the skin.
  • No other system has this reflective coating.
  • The design of the pads that allow for better light delivery and retention within the tissue has been clinically proven to provide superior results with consistent treatment outcomes.
  • No other pad-based device can make these claims.


  • Freezing Body Contouring treatments kill off the fat cell. While this sounds good, it’s unnatural and can cause fat to grow back in abnormal ways as the body has to replace the removed fat cells, which often results in a net increase of fat in the long run.
  • Unlike coolsculpting or liposuction, there is no pain or discomfort.
    There are no known negative side effects. So our Light Therapies are superior to coolsculpting, where hyperplasia is all too common.

Body Contouring – Red Light Therapy FAQs

Where does the fat go?

The fat is released into the lymphatic system and processed by the liver as part of the body’s normal detoxification.

Does Red Light Therapy Body Contouring Work For Everyone?

Yes! Although patients with a higher metabolic rate are better able to excrete the fat cells, we have programs in place to help individuals with slower metabolism increase their metabolic rate.

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What does a D-Fine Treatment feel like?

We create the ultimate spa-like experience for our Red Light Treatments so that you can unplug and relax as you lose inches from the therapy.

Patients lie on a treatment bed with clean sheets and the pads are placed over the areas to be treated. The system will be turned on and the patients will feel a slight warming sensation, but no pain or discomfort. Most patients end up falling asleep!

How long will the results last?

Results will vary from patient to patient, mostly predicted by the commitment of the patient to their goals. If a patient maintains a healthy lifestyle — eating clean and keeping up with a regular exercise program — results can be long-term.

Is contour light safe?

Yes, and there are no side effects. The light emitted by Contour Light does not generate excessive heat and will not cause a burn. The light is however very bright and should be looked at directly for an extended period of time. We provide protective eyewear for our patients.

What type of results can be expected?

Most patients see a noticeable improvement within the first 1-3 treatments. Our patients average a 2.97 inches loss after their first treatment.

Normal weight requires 10 to 12 treatments, overweight requires 12+ treatments.

While Contouring Lighting shrinks fat cells, the treatment along with treatment plans does go hand and hand with weight loss.

How Many Pounds Do you Want To Lose?

  • Under 5 lbs weight loss = 8-12 sessions
  • 5lbs to 20lbs weight loss = 10 – 16 sessions
  • 20lbs or more = 20 Sessions
  • Sessions are done 2 to 3 times per week until the treatment course is completed.

What areas can be treated?

Due to the flexible design of our system, we can target any part of the body: hips, waist, thighs, back, upper arms, and neck. Most patients report a significant change in the target areas.

This sounds too good to be true — what are the downsides?

We agree. Our founder Joe Carabase is even on the record talking about how he was very skeptical of this type of treatment at first. But there’s an overwhelming amount of research showing the effectiveness of these types of treatments, especially when combined with the D-Fine Difference approach where we are able to best maximize your results.

Our system, the Contour Light, is FDA-cleared for a multitude of outcomes:

  • Use as a non-invasive dermatological aesthetic treatment for the reduction of the circumference of the hips, waist, and thighs.
  • Temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritis, muscle spasms, relieving stiffness, promoting the relaxation of muscle tissue, and temporarily increasing local blood circulation. FDA # K202955

How Many Treatments Do I Need To See Results?

You’ll lose something after your first treatment and if for or whatever reason you do not, you’ll get a refund! However to see tangible results in the mirror and how your clothes fit, you’ll need to get to at least a 10% reduction (depending on where you are at currently) which would be at least 6 sessions depending on your current body fat composition.

Do You Guys Guarantee Results?

Yup! With our introductory treatments, if you don’t lose anything, you’ll get your money back!

Our Drop 1 Size program and Drop 2 Size programs are fully guaranteed for each respective outcome! As long as you are following our program, if for whatever reason you do not fit back into your goal pant by the end of your package, we’ll continue to service you until you do!

What Do You Have to Lose?

Check out our 'You Lose Today' or 'We Pay' intro session to see for yourself.


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